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Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Something different!


Something a bit different for me, just purchased a 3D printed unit of Trolls for a new project, 10mm fantasy! I have also just purchased an army pack of Khmer from Irregular Miniatures, 100 piece army for £21 including postage, to turn out as a sort of fantasy Asian contingent.  I am going to add some more 3D units as I go, first being some Hobgoblin cavalry and infantry, with the Trolls they should give the Khmer a decent go!!

Saturday, 7 October 2023

Saturday morning work!

 A change of pace today and a change of project, the First Carlist War stuff put to one side and the old Garrison SYW miniatures out on the table.  I purchased a load of Garrison SYW figures from Count Belisarius from the Fife & Drum forum, an absolute pile of old school goodness!!

I primed a couple of fusilier battalions and some grenadiers that will form part of a converged one. I probably have enough for another fusilier, the rest of the grenadiers and three or four musketeer ones,  This will form the basis of an imagi-nation project that will include some Minifigs and Hinchliffe miniatures.  I got a couple of hussars in this pile of goodies but hopefully I can track down enough for a squadron of them, simple little sculpts but they will look great even with my painting skills!!

Talking of painting, these will be blocked and nothing else then a couple of coats of gloss varnish to add to the old school feel!

I should get back to some more work on them tomorrow, I have primed and added the flesh to faces and hands, some coats done tomorrow I think! When I have some done I will try and get some pictures off them, my picture taking skills are of a very low standard I'm afraid!!

Sunday, 1 October 2023

An update!!

 Well it was a busy week at work so got very little done hobby wise, purchased some Warfare Williamite cavalry for a future project, building stock at the moment for this one, a slow burner I think!!  Got a sweet deal on some Piedmont infantry from Crann Tara through the the Fife & Drum forum, many thanks Count Belisaurius, this should give me enough infantry for this project, command is ok as well, some cavalry and another gun and crew and this will be complete, just to get them painted!!!

I finished of my Carlist cavalry squadron, based, varnished etc and put away in their case, this means I have painted all the Carlist figures I have, I need another 2 six men cavalry squadrons, a 16 man un-uniformed battalion and another command pack and this side of the project will be complete. All this means that I am now doing the Isabelinos and it is this that occupies my painting desk. I have 5 uniformed battalions in various states of preparation, two guns and crews and a couple of squadrons of cavalry, 3 more battalions to be purchased, all in greatcoat, plus another squadron of cavalry and a command pack which will be enough for this part of the project.  Once this is all done it will be some British Legion units and that will be that.  Still plenty to keep me going in the coming months but I have a plan and seeing progress, be good to keep focussed and keep this one going!! Alway a big problem with me I'm afraid.

Anyway that's it for now, busy week at work coming up so won't get too much done until the weekend.

Spain, why Spain???

 Although I have travelled a fair bit over Europe and Canada I have never been to Spain, no real interest in the beaches etc, so it was neve...