My Blog List

Friday, 12 April 2024

Back to the grind......

 I have just had a week of work and pretty much all hobby time was spent on my Quar project but I am pretty much done with this for a while and need a break from them and do something more historical. I did a fair bit of work on the Quar and the project is going well, so I am happy enough with that. 

My break from work was just what I needed, the weather in part had held and I was able to get my garden into some shape ready for the new season, all weeded and ready for planting up in a few weeks. The weather up here in the far north usually means what gets planted down south you can add 3-4 weeks up here before you do likewise.  I am back at work today, a Saturday I know!! but it i only for the morning and it means my desk will be cleared and ready for Monday, all the 3 or so hundred emails will be mainly deleted and a clean slate for the new week, also we usually do breakfast when working on a Saturday which is always good!

Now to get back to historicals but I really can't put my mind to do what!! I had thought about the Epic ACW project but the figures weren't calling out to me! I will have to be in the mood to start this project and the mood is not with me at the moment. So it is back to the 18th century or maybe the Carlist War which will take my fancy, probably won't get anything done today but tomorrow should be a nice easy day with minimal chores to do, so painting will take place!! Just what!?

I have come the world of blogging rather late and some say that the world of blogging is dying, sure a lot of blogs have withered away due to Facebook etc. but there is still a load of cracking blogs about. I spend a fair bit of my day checking new posts and commenting on said entries, all of which I never really did before. I had always been interested in a couple of blogs but never really explored the wide range out there, glad I did as there is so much inspiration, tips and encouragement to be gleaned from the wide world of gaming.  Long live blogging!!!

Anyway have a great weekend wherever you are and hopefully I will decide on what figures are going on the table for tomorrows painting, I have a bit of time to mull it over!!


  1. Donnie, having you become a regular commentator on my blog has been most welcome. I hope you remain as one. Blogging only dies if we let it. Plenty of Wargaming blogs remain with enjoyable and regular updates. Still a good community offering support, encouragement, and camaraderie.

    1. Your blog is a great inspiration Jon, so much to take from it, and the community spirit is one that I find really top notch, so many nice and encouraging people out there, a bit of sanity for me, perfect antidote to the "real world". Long may it continue!

  2. I agree with both you and Jon, Donnie....blogging is a great extension to the hobby for me, and I am sure many others....and as long as we keep blogging, it will survive 😀

    1. Can't argue with that Keith, it is another part of a great hobby that I really enjoy.

  3. Definately worth keeping blogs going in my opinion oh and nice Quar tanks!
    Best Iain

    1. Indeed Iain, so much inspiration out there to be taken. Must admit I was well chuffed with the little steam tanks, just the job!

  4. Finding the new crop of wargaming related blogs is not always easy, often I will just pick up on a newer blog from someone new commenting and seeing if they have a blog.

    1. Indeed, I do a fair bit of trawling and reading various blogs, nice way to while away some spare time1

  5. Donnie, I think the concept of "blogging is dead" prediction is a bit like the "ageing of the hobby" - it may well be true, but so what? I don't "do" facebook or Instagram or any social media.
    I blog mainly for my own entertainment; it has been a way of recording progress on my projects and it's nice to look back and see what I've achieved. That people such as yourself are actually interested is a bonus!

    1. I do Facebook but don't find it as good as blogging, too much chaff and not enough wheat! I feel you are probably correct about the concept of blogging being dead Neil but as you say "so what" if enough people keep on doing it and enjoying it that's all that is required.

  6. Nice start at the old blog. The demise of blogging argument confuses platforms with endeavor. Blogging is writing (plus image), which is another form of expression. Some may drop off in favor of vlogging, but that doesn't invalidate the blog as a means for self expression and fulfillment (and sharing). And like you, I find many, many useful things on blogs.

  7. Well said sir! I certainly agree with all you say Ed and indeed so much inspirational stuff out there.


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