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Saturday, 18 November 2023

A weeks work

 Well it has been a week of work for me and it has been pretty productive. On real life issues, the boiler got it's annual service and I got my flu and covid shots, so that was about it for real duty!  On to hobby time, due to some rather dreich  weather I could indulge myself without any guilt about not pottering about in the garden!!

My weeks work has seen me batter on with my Continental infantry units, I finished off one 16 man hunting shirt unit, one 12 man hunting shirt unit and one 16 man red face blue unit. Also very nearly finished is a white faced blue coated unit and another 12 man in hunting shirts.  This will leave another two 16 man units, one in brown coats white faced and one in blue with buff, this will give me 10 units, six 16 men units and four 12 men units. This will leave two more units of militia to do, both probably 12 me units. Once the infantry is all done I will have a couple of cavalry squadrons, a couple of guns and crews and then a command stand and this army will be all done and dusted.

Off course that leaves the Brits and allies to do, but that is a whole different story!!

Spain, why Spain???

 Although I have travelled a fair bit over Europe and Canada I have never been to Spain, no real interest in the beaches etc, so it was neve...