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Thursday, 28 December 2023

Christmas time!!!

 Well just a small update on what's been happening up here in the far north, hopefully you all got loads of hobby related presents and are enthused for the new year ahead!

I have been doing a bit of work on my First Carlist War project with a 16 man Isabelina unit done and 2 guns and crews for them done also, two line squadrons of cavalry and another four units of infantry on the bench awaiting their turn but they may have to wait their turn as another project hits the table!

I have had a load of Old Glory 10mm Prussians for the SYW primed and read for months but have not done anymore than that but I feel it is time to get this project on the go and so they have jumped up the queue and come away from the pile of shame!!

I'm not going to make any resolutions or promises for the coming year as I know only too well that the butterfly will take me to who knows where!!

Monday, 11 December 2023

More Christmas goodies


Here are a couple of more purchases for my old school ECW project, under the Christmas tree for opening on the day itself.  A nicely painted squadron of horse and a regiment of shot with command and a couple of extra pikemen by the look of it, all Hinchliffe and bar from a bit of tidying up they should be good to go. The shot may need to be gloss varnished by the look of the picture but that's easily enough to do.

I should have enough now for three or four pike and shot regiments and the first of the cavalry, all in all a good start to my project and something to look forward to when the big day arrives!!

Sunday, 3 December 2023

Latest purchase


Bought this little lot of ebay, and very happy I am with them. I have a load of Empress lovely ECW figures but really fancy doing some "old school" style gaming for this period. Hinchliffe figures were the first metal ones I ever bought so this is the way I am going.  They look to be painted decently and bar some tidying up they will do as is.

Watching another couple of items on ebay that finish early next week so fingers crossed I will get them as well.  The ones I won cost £14.99 plus postage so pretty decent haul for that money.

Spain, why Spain???

 Although I have travelled a fair bit over Europe and Canada I have never been to Spain, no real interest in the beaches etc, so it was neve...