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Sunday, 17 September 2023

Weekend work, part 2

 Well this weekend has seen me sort out various boxes and bags of soldiers, and it was a shock to see how much I have and all of it either just started or not started at all!! Something has to change and I really have to stick to a project and see it through before flitting about between projects and doing very little with them all!!

Anyway with this thought I tarted back on my First Carlist War project and dived into it with great gusto! I am nearly finished with the Carlist forces, just a couple of cavalry squadrons and one more civilian regiment and I can call this part done, these three units will be purchased from the esteemed Perry brothers shortly.  Onto what I did this weekend, finished off a 6 man cavalry regiment, just a bit of shading and varnishing to do and they are done, then I got the first Isabelino 16 man regiment on painting sticks, primed and the first bit of colour done on them.  I have about 5 of the foot regiments, 2 guns and crew and 2 six man cavalry squadrons in the painting queue so this will be a good start with this part of the project.  To be purchased, 3 more foot regiment, all in greatcoats this time and a 6 man dragoon squadron, then it will be onto the British contingent, and that will be that.

So far o good, I am pretty focussed at the moment but who knows, I seem to have a very short attention span and an inner butterfly that is hard to keep under control!!!  Watch this space.....

Monday, 11 September 2023

Weekend work.

 Well I have a week off away from work, bit of gardening if the weather holds but apart from that it will be hobby time for me!  I am pretty much a historical gamer especially 18th century and have various projects and armies on the go to cover this area and also getting into my own miniature range, but that's for another post.

So what have I done on the historical front, absolutely nothing!  Sci-fi has taken my attention, bought some Warmachine Warjacks from ebay, just waiting for them to arrive through the post, they do tick a lot of boxes for me, not too sure of the rules, I may do something else with the figures.  The whole steampunk look just attracted me to them, we will see where this one takes me.

A couple of years ago I got the weekly part series that covered GW 40k stuff, space marines, plague marines etc, and they have sat in a box since the collection stopped.  Well this weekend I made up the Primaris Repulsor kit, a bit of a bind, I haven't made a kit in years, but it went together well and will take it's place on the waiting list for painting, nice model and looks great. Then I turned my attention to some Plague marines and some lovely named Poxwalkers,  These models were easy to put together and they look decent enough, they got my usual blocking and inking and look ok even if I say so myself, will get some pictures up later, maybe...  I must admit I m quite enjoying the break from painting facings and lace for my British SYW army but no doubt will get back to them soon enough!!

Well they say a change is as good as a rest and this is proving to be the case, can't see myself becoming a 40K addict but they are nice enough figures and I am enjoying finally getting around to doing something with this rather large collection.

Sunday, 3 September 2023

A new blog!!

 This blog will be about my adventures and ongoing love for wargaming with toy soldiers of different scales and  different time periods. Hopefully I will keep this going and I won't let it fall by the wayside, we shall see!! Anyway until later.....

Spain, why Spain???

 Although I have travelled a fair bit over Europe and Canada I have never been to Spain, no real interest in the beaches etc, so it was neve...