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Sunday, 17 September 2023

Weekend work, part 2

 Well this weekend has seen me sort out various boxes and bags of soldiers, and it was a shock to see how much I have and all of it either just started or not started at all!! Something has to change and I really have to stick to a project and see it through before flitting about between projects and doing very little with them all!!

Anyway with this thought I tarted back on my First Carlist War project and dived into it with great gusto! I am nearly finished with the Carlist forces, just a couple of cavalry squadrons and one more civilian regiment and I can call this part done, these three units will be purchased from the esteemed Perry brothers shortly.  Onto what I did this weekend, finished off a 6 man cavalry regiment, just a bit of shading and varnishing to do and they are done, then I got the first Isabelino 16 man regiment on painting sticks, primed and the first bit of colour done on them.  I have about 5 of the foot regiments, 2 guns and crew and 2 six man cavalry squadrons in the painting queue so this will be a good start with this part of the project.  To be purchased, 3 more foot regiment, all in greatcoats this time and a 6 man dragoon squadron, then it will be onto the British contingent, and that will be that.

So far o good, I am pretty focussed at the moment but who knows, I seem to have a very short attention span and an inner butterfly that is hard to keep under control!!!  Watch this space.....

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The muster continues!......

 I got a box of goodies from Alternative Armies at the back end of last week, the first three unit of infantry for my SYW Dog wars. Grenadie...