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Monday, 22 January 2024


 2024 is not too old and I have come to the conclusion that I have too many unpainted figures!! Unreal I know but that's the truth!  Like most wargamers I buy way too many figures and have them sitting in a pile waiting to get round to them, but this year something is going to change!

I am not going to buy any new lead until I paint what I have, into my 18th projects and I have a tonne of bare metal, so enough to keep me busy for most of the year,when finished then I can buy what figures I need to round of projects or ad new units.  I also have enough Carlist War  bare metal to keep me going for a while before I will need to purchase the outstanding units required.

The only things I will be buying will be ready painted "old school" ECW for that project and that is only when I find the right figures, these usually only require a bit of touching up and rebasing, so not much work required there.

Hopefully I can stick to this and reduce the lead mountain and finally finish some units and maybe even some projects!! Fingers crossed!!  

Sunday, 7 January 2024

A new year.....

 Well here we go, the first post of 2024, I had a bit of lack of motivation in the first week of the new year, I had painted up the first 10mm Prussians but found them a hard go, nice figures from OG but I really did not enjoy painting them, put them away back in their box and will look at them another time.  This put me off really starting anything else so the first week of the new year saw nothing done. This past Sunday saw me finally enthused enough to start a new unit and it is a 16 man regiment for my Piedmontese project, Keller a Swiss regiment in the pay of Piedmont, nice uniform, blue and red always go well together in my opinion.  I have also another 16 man Saxon unit primed ready for paint to be daubed on once Keller are done, plus a 9 man Saxon cuirassier primed and ready.  I think I can safely say my mojo has returned!!

Spain, why Spain???

 Although I have travelled a fair bit over Europe and Canada I have never been to Spain, no real interest in the beaches etc, so it was neve...