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Monday, 25 November 2024

Hanoverians Sir, thousands of them....

 Well not quite thousands but a fair few for all that!  I have now got all TJ's Minden miniatures Hanoverian army and so with the figures I already have this is the state of play, with a week off work this is what is consuming my hobby time.


1.  13 units of infantry, 16 figures per unit, painted, based, completed.

2. 8 units  of Horse, 6 figures per unit, painted, based, completed.

3. 3 units of Dragoons, 6 figures per unit, painted, based, completed.

4. 1 unit of Horse Grenadiers, 6 figures per unit, painted, based completed.


5. 4 units of infantry, 16 figures per unit, painted, basing to do.

6. 3 gun battery of 6lb artillery, 3 guns and 12 crew, painted, basing to do.

7. 1 unit of Jaegers, 12 figures, painted, basing to do.

8. 1 unit of Sceithers grenadiers, 12 figures plus mounted colonel, painted, basing to do.


9. 1 unit of Jaegers, 11 figures, primed only.

10. 2 gun battery of 6lb artillery, 2 guns and 8 crew, primed only.


11. 1 unit of Luckners Hussars, 6 figures, still to get.

12. 1 unit of Caribiniers/mounted Jaegers, 4 figures, still to get.

13. 4 units of command figures, 8 figures of mounted colonels and mounted ADC, still to get.

Fair bit completed, wee bit getting done and a little bit to get, all in all very happy that I purchased TJ's figures plus all that I already had it has makings of a really good army and should look brilliant on the table. With having a bit of time off work I should get most of the basing done and then I can get a bit of painting in, then it will be pulling the trigger on the final purchases. Once it's all done and dusted I can do a review and get some photos posted up.

Sunday, 3 November 2024


 Yesterday I finally finished the rebasing, gloss varnishing of the 25mm ECW project, it was a long haul, took a bit longer than I thought it would but I finally finished it.  The whole lot will give me about 10 infantry regiments per side pretty much the same in cavalry plus dragoons and artillery and command figures, all done and boxed in plastic boxes ready for their debut.  Haven't a clue when I will set up a game for them as I am still undecided on a rule set plus time is a premium at the moment.  Anyway just glad to have them done so I can move on with something else as everything has been piling up behind this project.

On the table are a half completed Swedish regiment for the GNW and I think I will try and get them done before I tackle anything else, when done they will give me four foot regiments and one gun and crew, hoping to add another regiment of foot, another gun and crew plus ammo cart also some command figures and finally get some cavalry organised, I was thinking three squadrons of them, all this should give me a decent army and then it will be on to the opponents!  All figures for this project will be Warfare miniatures from the League of Augsburg, lovely figures and look great painted up.

This week will see limited hobby time due to work and a trip to Glasgow on Saturday for a record fair, but I hope to get some free time on Sunday to indulge myself a little, fingers crossed!!  Hopefully I can get some of the Swedish troops photographed and uploaded onto my blog in the near future, we shall see!

Anyway that's it for now, feeling pretty happy with myself about the ECW project so I will sign off on that rather smug note!!

Spain, why Spain???

 Although I have travelled a fair bit over Europe and Canada I have never been to Spain, no real interest in the beaches etc, so it was neve...