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Monday, 25 November 2024

Hanoverians Sir, thousands of them....

 Well not quite thousands but a fair few for all that!  I have now got all TJ's Minden miniatures Hanoverian army and so with the figures I already have this is the state of play, with a week off work this is what is consuming my hobby time.


1.  13 units of infantry, 16 figures per unit, painted, based, completed.

2. 8 units  of Horse, 6 figures per unit, painted, based, completed.

3. 3 units of Dragoons, 6 figures per unit, painted, based, completed.

4. 1 unit of Horse Grenadiers, 6 figures per unit, painted, based completed.


5. 4 units of infantry, 16 figures per unit, painted, basing to do.

6. 3 gun battery of 6lb artillery, 3 guns and 12 crew, painted, basing to do.

7. 1 unit of Jaegers, 12 figures, painted, basing to do.

8. 1 unit of Sceithers grenadiers, 12 figures plus mounted colonel, painted, basing to do.


9. 1 unit of Jaegers, 11 figures, primed only.

10. 2 gun battery of 6lb artillery, 2 guns and 8 crew, primed only.


11. 1 unit of Luckners Hussars, 6 figures, still to get.

12. 1 unit of Caribiniers/mounted Jaegers, 4 figures, still to get.

13. 4 units of command figures, 8 figures of mounted colonels and mounted ADC, still to get.

Fair bit completed, wee bit getting done and a little bit to get, all in all very happy that I purchased TJ's figures plus all that I already had it has makings of a really good army and should look brilliant on the table. With having a bit of time off work I should get most of the basing done and then I can get a bit of painting in, then it will be pulling the trigger on the final purchases. Once it's all done and dusted I can do a review and get some photos posted up.


  1. Very impressive effort, Donnie! How you managed to complete so much in one week is a puzzle to me.

  2. I wish Jon!! This has been ongoing for over 2 years to finally get where I am at. Buying TJ's collection moved it on massively and the finish line is getting close, then it's on to the French!!

  3. That's a really impressive list and nice to have a sizeable contingent completed. Don't wait until it is 'done and dusted' for photographs, your anxious public demand an earlier viewing!
    Regards, James

    1. Hopefully get something done soon James, have a new phone so just getting the hang of it, once I get a bit of confidence in my photography skills, or lack of, I will get some pics up.

  4. Thats a very respectable force Donnie - but who are they going to fight on the table??

    1. French and Saxons Keith, got a Saxon army that is about half the size of the Hanoverians and adding to my French will make it a fair old fight!

  5. Sounds like great progress,photos please!
    Best Iain

  6. Will do Iain, probably in a couple of posts time, got something else planned for the next post.

  7. Replies
    1. To be honest Neil, probably more than I need but you never know!!


Spain, why Spain???

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