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Monday, 30 December 2024

Work in progress.......

 Well 2025 is just about on us, another year passes and a new one almost upon us.  This is not really a review of the year but more of what I was up to on the holidays and what is on the cards for next year.

On show here are 2 Continental infantry units of 16 men each, one blue faced red and one brown faced red, need some washes on them and based and varnished on the left is a small 10 man militia unit nearing completion on the painting front, at the back is a 20 man Swedish white faced regiment for my GNW project.

This is a small 10 man unit of Continental infantry still in the early stage of painting. They will be the last of the American infantry, I will have ten 16 men units, three 12 men units and two 10 men units, then I can concentrate on the British and Hessian side of the project.

In the middle you can just about see 2 mounted commanders, one will be a militia dragoon commander the other is for a command stand, this will give me 6 command stands, which will be enough. I also have 2 guns and crews which will be enough artillery. This will leave me 2 squadrons of Dragoons still to do, one will be the 1st Continental the other will be a blue face white militia one, the other cavalry unit is done and a mounted militia one. This will complete the Continental army and will give a decent force for both small and larger actions, enough for me anyway! Then the focus will be the British side!!

On other news I have taken advantage of ebay and got some more Isabelinos infantry plus some British infantry and cavalry for the First Carlist War project, once the Continentals are of the table some of this project should take their place, we shall see!.

I took advantage of a very decent 20 % off sale from Fife & Drum Miniatures and purchased the start of my Russian SYW army, a couple of 16 men musketeer units and one 16 man grenadier unit plus a 6 man Horse grenadier and a 6 man Dragoon unit and a mounted colonel to keep them in check! Not too bothered about getting them onto the painting table as this is a slow burner and will be added to as the year progresses, planning 10 infantry, 6 cavalry and 3 gun battery all in full uniform, a retirement project!

I have had to turn on the approve comments on the blog as I had a bit of spamming recently and can't be bothered deleting all the time so a bit of moderation was required!

Anyway enjoy your New Year when it comes, my mate is coming down to mine for a dram or two and some banter and plenty of music, looking forward to it but the resulting hangover not so much!  See you all in 2025 and we shall see what that brings!! Happy New Year!!

Friday, 20 December 2024

Busy Doing Nothing: War in Canis

Busy Doing Nothing: War in Canis:  This page will be my documentation of my world of Dogs and the war that is raging across their world.  

Sunday, 15 December 2024

How smug can I be??

 Well the answer to the title of this blog post is way too smug!!!!  Back in June I posted about where certain projects were and my Continental army for my AWI project was done all bar a squadron of dragoons, I even boasted the same on another blog, very smug with myself....... 

 Moving on to a couple of weeks ago found me looking for some British dragoons for my 1745 project, I knew they were lying in a box so it was time to wade through the lead mountain to find them.  After a good root about I found the box I thought had them in, opened it up and found that they were not in that box but what was in it was a squadron of twelve 1st Continental dragoons, hurrah I don't have to buy them I already have them.  So far so good, also in the box though were three primed and started sixteen man units consisting of one blue face red unit, one brown faced red unt and one mix of uniform and hunting shirt unit, also two more mounted officers that will make up another command base.

So basically my finished, or near finished, Continental army is far from done and will have another three units to complete plus the command base plus the dragoons!

Excuse the poor picture, still getting used to my new phone, it shows the blue faced red unit on the painting table, in the background are some Hanoverian artillery crews, some Hanoverian jaegers and a unit of GNW Swedes.

So that was a good lesson for me, is a project truly ever done, possibly but reminder to myself not to crow about it if it is!!

Spain, why Spain???

 Although I have travelled a fair bit over Europe and Canada I have never been to Spain, no real interest in the beaches etc, so it was neve...