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Sunday, 15 December 2024

How smug can I be??

 Well the answer to the title of this blog post is way too smug!!!!  Back in June I posted about where certain projects were and my Continental army for my AWI project was done all bar a squadron of dragoons, I even boasted the same on another blog, very smug with myself....... 

 Moving on to a couple of weeks ago found me looking for some British dragoons for my 1745 project, I knew they were lying in a box so it was time to wade through the lead mountain to find them.  After a good root about I found the box I thought had them in, opened it up and found that they were not in that box but what was in it was a squadron of twelve 1st Continental dragoons, hurrah I don't have to buy them I already have them.  So far so good, also in the box though were three primed and started sixteen man units consisting of one blue face red unit, one brown faced red unt and one mix of uniform and hunting shirt unit, also two more mounted officers that will make up another command base.

So basically my finished, or near finished, Continental army is far from done and will have another three units to complete plus the command base plus the dragoons!

Excuse the poor picture, still getting used to my new phone, it shows the blue faced red unit on the painting table, in the background are some Hanoverian artillery crews, some Hanoverian jaegers and a unit of GNW Swedes.

So that was a good lesson for me, is a project truly ever done, possibly but reminder to myself not to crow about it if it is!!


  1. I find that a project is rarely, ever really done. I do have a few projects that I claim are done…for now.

    1. True, there is always something to add to an existing army.

  2. That was a nice surprise. Always a good feeling to get an army complete.

    1. It was a good surprise Peter as I thought I would have to order the dragoons, so nice to have them and the other figures will work in well enough to my plan.

  3. Clever plan, complete and plan expand your army in one swoop! Efficiency at its finest. Troops are looking good, too.

    1. Indeed!! Really have to sort out the lead mountain, who knows what else I will find!!

  4. Nice find Donnie, now, we get the pleasure of seeing you paint these units up over your festive holiday!

    1. That's the plan Keith, hopefully it will come to fruition!

  5. Seems to me that most "finished" projects end up in the back of a cupboard and only rarely see action again, at least not at their home base. Nothing like periodic new recruits to get them back out. :)

    1. I think you are probably right there, I still have the British to do, so this project certainly will keep on going for a good while yet.

  6. You can feel smugger than a Guardian reader with an electric car!

  7. I'm with Jonathan, nothing is ever fully finished, all sounding a bit philosophical! Good to see your work in progress , even in the distance!
    Best Iain

    1. Aye I tend to agree Iain, nice to think it could be done but then something new attracts the attention and becomes a must add! Hope to get the hang of the new camera and get some more piccies up on the blog!


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