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Tuesday, 18 February 2025

The muster continues!......

 I got a box of goodies from Alternative Armies at the back end of last week, the first three unit of infantry for my SYW Dog wars.

Grenadier with dark blue facings.

Line regiment with yellow facings,

Line regiment with green facings.

All are 20 figure units and really nicely painted, very happy with them, great service from AA, really nice people to deal with, communication was good and the time to place the order, get painted, based and delivered was very decent indeed. 

The planning for the next order is underway, another three red uniformed line, just got to work out the facings for this lot. After that it's jaegers and artillery before the cavalry get their turn, this should cover most of this year and then it's on to the opposition forces. 

This project is on the move in the right direction and I am very happy with the progress, it's all going according to plan, which for me is very unusual indeed!


  1. These are unusual, indeed! Nice additions.

    1. Something a wee bit different Jon, but keeping up with my 18th fascination!

  2. Replies
    1. Very happy with them Neil, they are rather nice.

  3. Very nice Donnie…I’ve never really bought painted figures in case they make mine own figures look rubbish 👍

    1. Your painting always looks top drawer Matt, I doubt you have anything to worry about. I do enjoy painting my own but for some things I have gone to painting services to save me time as I am a glacially slow painter.

  4. Donnie - I have questions…many many questions. Who do they fight against? An army of cats? This is one hell of a diverse hobby : -) Naturally we’ll need a full march past and a battle or two when you’re done collecting your forces. Good to know it’s not just me that does wacky stuff! Top stuff matey.

    1. A dog civil war JBM although you can get cats but they are samurai! Once the collection grows I will see about posting up a battle or two but that is in the future.

  5. Nice stuff Donnie and no stranger than my own collection of Shadowforge female Viking warriors! (I even managed to find some female SYW figures at Eureka - see here -

    1. It is always interesting what takes our fancy Keith, so much out there to attract us all that's for sure.

  6. Very nice figures. I agree with you completely about AA's service. My only advice is keep the number of units at a time small.
    Maybe in the future you will get the bug to have them create you some new unique figures in this period and I'll have an opportunity to expand my own collection.

    1. Many thanks for the comment and the advice, and unique figures is an interesting idea, have to give that one some thought.

  7. Nice work Donnie, I've not seen these figures before.

    1. They are lovely little sculpt Ray and just add fuel to my 18th century obsession, but now with dogs!!

  8. Lovely SYW figures, now with added dogs!
    Best Iain

    1. Something a wee bit different from the norm Iain, but very nice all the same.

  9. Dog wars? Now I have seen everything!
    They look good and anything involving dogs gotta be grand!
    (Mind you, I would have preferred a war against the natural, feline enemy, then one could *hate* the other side, hahaha)
    Regards, James

    1. A cat army in similar garb would be good fun James, certainly a thought!


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