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Monday, 18 March 2024

Another birthday looms....

 Well in a couple of days time it will be my 63rd birthday, and my better half is buying me this for it-

I have been looking forward to this coming out since I first saw the initial work in progress pictures. I love the whole back story and mythos of the Quar and have a good few of the metal miniature and these plastic ones will be a great addition. I have around about 24 Crusader, 7 Toulmore, 9 Gwynt plus 3 cavalry and 6 Fidwog plus a LMG, all are currently works in progress but the Crusader figures are nearly finished, so will get some photos up when I am done with them.  Looking forward to seeing how the plastics work with the old metal range, they seem a bit chunkier on the videos, adverts etc. but they should match in well enough.

The box set allows for a skirmish style game but with the figures I already have plus maybe a couple of sprues I should be able to do the bigger battles as I have the rules for that, Crusaders plus Toulmore against the rest. I may need to purchase some Crusader cavalry and some heavy guns to flesh it out and will probably get a couple of  Ironclad Miniatures steam tanks as they have the right vibe for this setting and should fit in nicely.

It's an interesting project and one I dip in and out of as the mood takes me, the figures are an easy paint and you can as the detail on them is very good and lends themselves very well, even for a dauber like me!!

Anyway I am really looking forward to this present arriving, not too sure about being 63  though!!!!


  1. Having no knowledge of Quar, I look forward to seeing this project develop.

    1. They are a very quirky concept and a massive amount of back story that I really like, hopefully get some photos up soon of my progress.

  2. I was going to say something very similar to Jon! I also empathize with the 63 comment, having just returned from a two day "Strategic Planning" conference at work, where the youngest participant was still in her 20's, and there were only two of us in our sixties (one of my colleagues is 3 or 4 months older than me, turning 62 in a few days (I will do so in August!)

    1. I know, I seem to be the oldest at any meetings I attend these days by quite a bit! As for the Quar I am cracking on with my first units and should have some ready for a parade soon!!

  3. I only know these from the Rabbits in the basement blog where he does some lovely looking conversions of vehicles for them, they seem like a load of fun!
    Best Iain

    1. His blog is always worth a visit Iain, as you say the vehicles are great, his painting is top notch as well. Although quirky they do have a very heavy first world war vibe, with massive amount of casualties and futile battles and such. It is such an interesting concept.


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