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Saturday, 16 March 2024

An unexpected turn......?

Well this is a change of plan! When raking through the pile of shame I came across a box full of what was Emperor Toads French Revolutionary figures, now being sold by Skytrex.  Now I had bought a good few of these when Michael had a decent price on them, I had bought some Levee en masse, some Vendeans with farm implements.fouling pieces etc, some National Guard and some grenadiers plus some Heavy cavalry and a couple of mounted officers, a nice wee haul.

They were duly dumped in the pile of shame and forgotten about, now after finding them I realise I am not going to do a Revolutionary Wars project so I am left with what to do with them, I could flog them on but I don't really want to as they are lovely figures, I like them a lot, so I have decided to do a  imaginations project with them, one army in bicornes and one army in helmets, five or six 16 man regiments a couple of cavalry squadrons and a couple of gun per side should be enough for a decent game and some table top teasers. I already have a good lot of the infantry so not to many additions on that front, a bit of cavalry and the guns and crews and that will be enough to do.

I haven't ironed out the whose who and why yet but it's going to be based on a civil war with the government army in helmets and the rebels in bicornes plus the civilians, uniforms will be what ever pleases me, the rebel army especially will not all be in the same uniform, the government will be a bit more regimented.

I have made a start with some of the civilians undercoated and flesh added and hope to get some more work done tomorrow. I still have my SYW Austrian on the table so they have not been forgotten and will dip in and out of both projects to keep my interest and butterfly happy!

They are nice figures and really too good to sell on, now to plan out some back story for the conflicts that lie ahead!  Anyway until the next time.......


  1. Having never heard of these figures before, I am quite surprised by the quality of the crisp sculpting and casting. Beautiful figures. It would be a shame to part with such fine sculpts. Looks like the start of a very interesting project.

    1. They are really nice figures Jon, a really good range that covers various nations of the Revolutionary Wars, very nicely sculpted. I thought so to that it would be a shame to sell them on so we'll see what happens!!

  2. Very nice figures!

    The French Rev is my favourite "Horse % Musket" era even though. Everything from Flanders to the West Indies and Ireland etc. and many minor countries and sideshows. Echoes of the SYW and a fore runner of the massed armies of the Napoleonic era. Just right for "imaginations".

  3. They are a very underrated range, deserve more love in my opinion. It is an interesting period, a lot of the uniforms are not that much different from SYW and as you say "just right for imaginations".


Spain, why Spain???

 Although I have travelled a fair bit over Europe and Canada I have never been to Spain, no real interest in the beaches etc, so it was neve...