My Blog List

Friday 19 July 2024


 ....And the hobby is a hard go!!  Due to work being very busy and gardening to the fore hobby time has been a bit of a slog with little time for it and when I have had the time the mojo wasn't there. barely started British Napoleonics sit beside nearly finished and half finished GNW Swedes.  I have dabbed a bit of colour on them but not for any length of time, to try and get me out of this funk I have purchased the figures needed to close out the Carlist army of my First Carlist War project, an order to the Perry brothers on Monday morning saw them arrive at the house on Friday, super service from them.  The package had a couple of 6 men lancer squadrons and what will be a 16 man non uniformed unit, I also got a cannon and crew off ebay and that will be that for that side of the project.  Hopefully I will make a start tomorrow on cleaning them up and priming some of the figures, this has always been a project that I have fallen back on when the mojo goes, so here's hoping!

On a similar front, I ordered this book from Helion, just waiting for it to arrive.

I was meaning to get this since it came out but had ordered various other books and forgot to get this one but that has been sorted now. If you have any interest in the Carlist War you really should trawl through the following blogs as the inspiration and knowledge you can take from them is massive, Ga Pa Great Northern War Gaming and Other Projects, 1866 and all that, full of wonderful eye candy I found them both really inspirational and have taken a lot out of both of them, well recommended.

Well that's it for this week and hopefully tomorrow will see me get some good hobby time and get my mojo back, I think it will as I do feel a good bit more energised.

Thursday 4 July 2024

An update, plenty going on!

 Well I have had a busy enough time recently and my week off work was fairly productive, more so in the garden though!  In a change from doing Napoleonics I decided to finish off a couple of my GNW Swedish infantry, one is done, one needs their base work finished and one is ready to base, so a fair bit done.  This is a smallish project I want six units of infantry, two of dragoons and one of horse plus a couple of guns and powder wagon, so I have pretty much three infantry done and another on the table and one gun and crew done, still the rest to purchase, progress has been made!!

In other gaming news it has been books that have been winging their way to my house, this two are particularly good.

Both books are seriously good, full of facts and details and the wargaming potential is pretty decent, smallish armies, and various uniforms, should add to the spectacle and plenty of "what ifs"  One for the future as I have a fair few castings that will do the job in the lead pile!

I also ordered a slew of English Civil War books, all Helion ones and they were all on my to get list since a while, my ECW library is getting larger all the time!  I have a fair pile of completed and castings in 28mm for my ECW project but I think I will sell them on, I really fancy doing it in 40mm with the figures from Old Glory UK, Sash & Saber and Romanof figures, something to ponder!!

I also purchased the Black Powder supplement for the AWI, not that I am going to use BP for when I finally get my armies on the table but more for the scenarios which cover small engagements up to large battles, a decent book and worth getting.  This project is getting on, I have all the Continentals and militia and artillery and command stands I need, probably a couple of Continental dragoons and they will be done, in total it will be about 12 units of infantry, three of cavalry and a couple of guns plus command figures, leaves the Brits to do!

Well plenty to keep me going and my Peninsular project still going on in the background, just need to get a couple of more days added to the calendar, a nine day week would be great if you could be guaranteed only to use them for hobby time!!!  Until next time......

The buying frenzy continues....

 Well the work continues on the ECW project although nothing done this weekend, busy with other things.  I did purchase another Summerfield ...