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Sunday, 25 August 2024

Late August...

 Well hobby time has been at a premium this month, work and gardening have taken priority but still some things have been progressing.  My ECW "old school" project has been sorted out into their units and the glossy varnish is being applied, not really done glossy before but on those old Minifigs and Hinchliffe it really works well, the first two Parliamentarian and the first two Royalist cavalry have been glossed and based in the way I want them to be.  I was half planning rebasing them but they look fine in the way they have been originally done, so I am going with that, all I am doing in adding them to bigger bases and labelling them up, not a specific regiments but as Royalist horse, Royalist foot etc. This is a fairly large project so the varnishing and basing is probably going to take up most of my time for the next foreseeable future. The good part of this is that by the end of the year I will have two armies ready for the table, which is a win in my book!

On other hobby things I purchased this book of ebay

It was at a good price so really a no brainer and looking forward to reading it, should be a good addition to the library.

That's about it in this update, next post will have some nice pictures of some lovely units I have bought from a fellow wargamer, more to follow.....


Tuesday, 6 August 2024

Update for July

 Well that's July gone and it finished with very little hobby time, the last
week or so has seen next to no painting done as work and real life took over, my cousin passed away a week or so ago and it was a hard one to take as we were pretty close and he was only a year older than me so thoughts of mortality kicked in, we had loads of good times so many happy memories. 

 The weekend just past our cat, a companion for 18 years passed over, she has been poorly for the last week and collapsed on Saturday so it was off to the vets and she reckoned her kidneys had failed so it was goodbye to wee Kitty, we both miss her as does the dog but hey ho life goes on.

Anyway back to hobby time, next to nothing done but then at the back end of the month a big move on that front!  First I have had a resurgence in my love affair with the 18th century and bought 5 titles from the Helion collection of SYW and WAS, plenty of reading material and plenty of inspiration that's for sure. Then when perusing the Lead Adventure Forum I saw this post on the "For Sale" section....

This was for a collection of 25mm Minifigs and Hinchliffe ECW figures, around  400 infantry, over 100 cavalry and ten guns and crew plus command figures, contacted the seller, Mark Hides, well known wargamer and professional painter and author of a cracking blog, got the deal done and on Monday a box that nearly gave me hernia arrived at my house! All that is required is a bit of touch up on some figures a bit of basing work and a coat of gloss varnish and this whole lot is ready for the table, absolutely chuffed to bits with this as I had fancied doing and old school collection for the ECW but it would have taken me years to get a collection of this size together and on the table now it is a matter of days/weeks and they will be on the table.

With the figures being old style 25mm I am going to go down the 15mm buildings/scenery route as I think it will work better than new style 28mm scenery. A church some farm building and a few houses will suffice, I will buy these ready painted to save time on this front, also I am going to get a couple of wagons, limbers etc from Hinds, also ready painted, for some table fluff.

After a hard month in both real life and hobby time, there is light at the end of the tunnel and I will be sorting out some old school loveliness this weekend and really looking forward to it as well!!

Spain, why Spain???

 Although I have travelled a fair bit over Europe and Canada I have never been to Spain, no real interest in the beaches etc, so it was neve...