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Sunday, 25 August 2024

Late August...

 Well hobby time has been at a premium this month, work and gardening have taken priority but still some things have been progressing.  My ECW "old school" project has been sorted out into their units and the glossy varnish is being applied, not really done glossy before but on those old Minifigs and Hinchliffe it really works well, the first two Parliamentarian and the first two Royalist cavalry have been glossed and based in the way I want them to be.  I was half planning rebasing them but they look fine in the way they have been originally done, so I am going with that, all I am doing in adding them to bigger bases and labelling them up, not a specific regiments but as Royalist horse, Royalist foot etc. This is a fairly large project so the varnishing and basing is probably going to take up most of my time for the next foreseeable future. The good part of this is that by the end of the year I will have two armies ready for the table, which is a win in my book!

On other hobby things I purchased this book of ebay

It was at a good price so really a no brainer and looking forward to reading it, should be a good addition to the library.

That's about it in this update, next post will have some nice pictures of some lovely units I have bought from a fellow wargamer, more to follow.....



  1. Ah, you have been bitten by the glossy old school nostalgia bug, too, Donnie, there seems to be a lot if it about!
    I look forward to seeing some pix in the next post.

    1. First time I have used a gloss varnish in many a year, can't actually remember the last time I did to be honest, The new figures I have coming are more in a modern finish and have a matt finish as you will see Keith.

  2. The old MiniFigs and Hinchliffe do come up nicely when glossy.

    1. They look so much better with the gloss finish Peter, changes the look of them totally, very happy with the way they have turned out.

  3. If you picked up Summerfield's book at a bargain price, you did well!

    1. I got it for under £20 delivered Jon, so I must admit I was very happy with that.

    2. I thought so Jon, no brainer, been after it for a while and at that price....

  4. Good job on the figures, two armies could be a lot of fun for the winter season. Congrats on the book. Neat find.

    1. Chuffed with the book I must admit and getting the two armies done will be a real boon to my gaming which is pretty much none at the moment!

  5. Good looking book and two armies by Christmas sounds excellent!
    Best Iain

    1. Fingers crossed Iain but it should be doable, another Summerfield book coming as well but more on that in the next post.

  6. Sounds like you will be busy. Are you going for an old school C18th project as well?.
    I have always gloss varnished my figures for protection.

    1. I have a few 18th projects on the go, all the stuff I have done for those has been a matt varnish, all figures are Crann Tara and Minden, but I do have a load of Hinchliffe, Minifigs and Garrison ones that are earmarked for an imagi-nation project and they will be glossed that's for sure.


Spain, why Spain???

 Although I have travelled a fair bit over Europe and Canada I have never been to Spain, no real interest in the beaches etc, so it was neve...