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Sunday, 22 September 2024

The buying frenzy continues....

 Well the work continues on the ECW project although nothing done this weekend, busy with other things.  I did purchase another Summerfield tome, this one on Austrian infantry, and it is another cracking book, nothing more from him on the horizon but who knows!

While perusing ebay I cam across some painted Crann Tara figures for sale, I recognised them and then realised they were from the late Stuart Insch and were being sold by his good friend Graham, there was a Neapolitan army and a Spanish one from the siege of Havana. The Neapolitans were a must buy as we had chatted about them some time ago, Stuart had provided me with a lot of uniform information for Genoa, Piedmont and Naples for a project I was working on, no brainer there, then seeing the Spanish I just had to have them as well, so paid for them too.

This is the Neapolitan collection painted by Stuart Foley I believe, they are quite superb and will do me very nicely indeed.
And this is the Spanish troops, and again I think Stuart Foley painted some of them but Stuart Inch did some of them too. Really happy to have purchased these for my collection as they are really top notch and great additions to my collection and very nice to have something from Suarts collection, they will fight another day.

More purchases to come from the collection of Tony Joseph on the horizon as well, he has more Hanoverians plus some British and some French, so it's in for a penny and in for a pound!  So plenty added to my collection and nothing at all painted but I do have some plans in the pipeline for some work I will do myself, we will see when that will come to fruition!  So until next time,,,,,,

Friday, 13 September 2024

Busy but no painting!!!

 Well as the title says, I have been busy when real life doesn't intrude with hobby time!  The varnish and rebasing continues on the "old school" ECW project and I am over half way through and will get a few more bits and pieces done this weekend, I managed to get some units done every day this week due to being on holiday although the decoration of the kitchen has taken precedence! I have enjoyed this project and it is well ahead of schedule and will be finished well before the year end.

My purchases of Stephen Summerfield books continues and I have added the Prussian Frei Infantry one, which is a good one, and then I got this beauty,

If you have any interest in the Hanoverian army of the SYW then this book is a must, not the cheapest but well worth the money, it's a seriously good book. This leads me on nicely to what else I have been up to.

I have purchased several units of infantry, horse and dragoons from Tony Joseph, who is an expat living in Spain, he is downsizing his collection and selling up all his Minden figures and going down the 15/18mm route, this has allowed me to buy 8 infantry, 4 horse and 2 dragoon units from him, all lovely painted and based and ready to do battle.

This gives you an idea of the standard of the units I have purchased, really happy with them and they will go well with the units I already have finished, gives me a decent Hanoverian army and added to the British I have finished or on the go should look great on the table. I have a fair Saxon army finished and more still to do, I am adding some French to them and at the end will have two well matched armies for some Western actions of the SYW.

Well the holidays have come to an end and I have to be in today for the morning, ease me back gently and will get my desk ready for Monday morning, bit more varnishing on the cards for tomorrow, so until the next time.......

Spain, why Spain???

 Although I have travelled a fair bit over Europe and Canada I have never been to Spain, no real interest in the beaches etc, so it was neve...