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Monday, 28 October 2024

Nothing to see here.......

 It has been very slow on the hobby front, not too much being done but I thought that I would put up a blog anyway as there has been some progress!!

The "old school" ECW project is just about there, I will be happy when it's done as it has taken precedence to the detriment of other projects.  Anyway the figures are just about all based up, some dragoons to do and a couple of foot regiments and that should be that, all done and dusted this weekend or possibly next.

Real life and work has taken over most of my free time so any I have had has been used to get the ECW one done but it's not all been bad, I have bought a couple of things for future projects, the main one being a Crimean War one, I have the castings for two divisions for the British army, 3 line infantry battalions and 3 for the Guards, two of these are ready painted bought from Colonel Bills, they were on sale and too good to miss, this is a future project so is on the back burner but if I have enough castings ready I can batter on when the time comes. Not too sure how big this project will go, we shall see.

Another project for the future is an Anglo Dutch naval one, I have never done naval wargaming before but always had a hankering to try it out and it seems a few folk out there are embarking on naval games. I know that my dabbing skills would not allow for bigger scale ships, and the thought of rigging would give me nightmares! So with that in mind I went for Tumbling Dice 1/4800 range of ships, lovely little models and should paint up well enough even with my limited skill set, the whole thing should play out on a 6"x4" board as well which was another win for me, hopefully this will start next year, rule sets are what I am concentrating on now, bought the PDF of Rolling Thunder from the League of Augsburg website and may go with them, we shall see!

The last purchase was a fun one and who knows where this will take me!!

Cracking little Seven Years War style Dog Hussars, lovely little castings and something for a bit of fun, there is infantry and artillery as well, so who knows!

Anyway that's it for now, so until next time.....

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

An interesting problem.....

 Perusing ebay for figures is always interesting when I have a bit of down time and I came across some figures that interested me.  I am always on the look out for older SYW figures that I can use for my Imagi-nations project, I have Hinchliffe, Minifig and Garrison sitting in boxes waiting for me to do something with them, probably a retirement project to be honest.  Anyway I found these ones when looking at Hinds shop on ebay, I messaged Ian to ask if he knew anything about them and he came back that he thought they may be either Garrison or Greenwood and Ball, I have a load of Garrison and the poses don't look like them and after a fruitless search online I could find very little on G & B, here are a couple of pictures just in case someone out there knows what they might be.

They are certainly old school with very little definition a bit like Spencer Smiths in that department, you have to paint on straps etc. as the detail isn't there, they look pretty decent though and with a bit of care and attention and a new paint job and gloss varnish they should look pretty decent on the table.  I am waiting for them to arrive, knowing Ian it shouldn't take too long as he has a very quick turnaround, then I can see them in the flesh so to speak and work out a plan for them.  So basically if anyone knows anything about these figures I would be very interested indeed, if they remain a mystery then so be it as they should fit in well enough with all my other old school figures.  So until next time.....

Spain, why Spain???

 Although I have travelled a fair bit over Europe and Canada I have never been to Spain, no real interest in the beaches etc, so it was neve...