My Blog List

Monday, 28 October 2024

Nothing to see here.......

 It has been very slow on the hobby front, not too much being done but I thought that I would put up a blog anyway as there has been some progress!!

The "old school" ECW project is just about there, I will be happy when it's done as it has taken precedence to the detriment of other projects.  Anyway the figures are just about all based up, some dragoons to do and a couple of foot regiments and that should be that, all done and dusted this weekend or possibly next.

Real life and work has taken over most of my free time so any I have had has been used to get the ECW one done but it's not all been bad, I have bought a couple of things for future projects, the main one being a Crimean War one, I have the castings for two divisions for the British army, 3 line infantry battalions and 3 for the Guards, two of these are ready painted bought from Colonel Bills, they were on sale and too good to miss, this is a future project so is on the back burner but if I have enough castings ready I can batter on when the time comes. Not too sure how big this project will go, we shall see.

Another project for the future is an Anglo Dutch naval one, I have never done naval wargaming before but always had a hankering to try it out and it seems a few folk out there are embarking on naval games. I know that my dabbing skills would not allow for bigger scale ships, and the thought of rigging would give me nightmares! So with that in mind I went for Tumbling Dice 1/4800 range of ships, lovely little models and should paint up well enough even with my limited skill set, the whole thing should play out on a 6"x4" board as well which was another win for me, hopefully this will start next year, rule sets are what I am concentrating on now, bought the PDF of Rolling Thunder from the League of Augsburg website and may go with them, we shall see!

The last purchase was a fun one and who knows where this will take me!!

Cracking little Seven Years War style Dog Hussars, lovely little castings and something for a bit of fun, there is infantry and artillery as well, so who knows!

Anyway that's it for now, so until next time.....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    1. There are a few bloggers taking to the seas in Ancients, Anglo-Dutch Wars, and Pre-Dreadnaughts. Since I have an unbuild Anglo-Dutch and completed Spanish-American navies, I look forward to your naval exploits.

    2. Indeed a fair few Naval gaming featuring recently Jon, always had an interest but never done anything about it until now, we shall see how it goes!

  2. Lots of interesting projects on the go, interested to see how the ships go 👍

    1. More things on the go than I thought I had Matt, the Tumbling Dice little ships are lovely little sculpts and even my dabbing should manage to make something off them!

  3. Seems like plenty going on Donnie, despite the best efforts of "real" life! The doggie hussars are a bit odd but very cool!

    1. Plenty indeed Keith, the Hussars are a bit off fun, who knows where it will end, they are nice figures and when painted and on the table we shall see if it is added to or a one off.

  4. Everyone seems to be getting little ships! I'm feeling left out! Hussars look fun if a bit odd?
    Best Iain

  5. I don't know what I will make of Naval wargaming Iain, should be a steep learning curve for me. Hussars are very nice and a nice bit of fluff, looking forward to painting them.


Hobby time at last!.....

 Finally got some time to do some wargaming stuff, work has been busy and last weekend it was off to Stirling for a record fair so no wargam...