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Sunday, 19 January 2025

All but done!........

 Well I made some progress this weekend and can call the two uniformed Continentals and the small militia unit done, just a couple of flags to add and these have been ordered so just waiting on them but that's a small job in the grand scheme of things.  I had both Saturday and Sunday off from work, the first proper weekend off in some time, due to staff shortages it's fallen on me to cover every Saturday but this has now changed as we are now up to full numbers.

I managed to varnish the three units and also get them based up and I am quite happy with them, they look fine and should look decent on the table. The unit of Swedes for the GNW are finished in the painting sense but need varnished and the bases done for them to be called done, I have a flag for them so next weekend should see the end of them.

Anyway here's the completed units in all their glory!!


On a roll with the AWI project and have a small unit to finish plush some Continental dragoons then I think it will be time to crack on with the British and Hessians, I have a few ready to go but will need to buy some more British infantry and cavalry plus artillery and command figures, Plenty to do that's for sure!  Apologies for the photos, not my strong point!!

Friday, 3 January 2025

War in Canis, Plans are afoot.....

 Well I emailed Alternative Armies with the first three units I want painted up by them, 2 line and 1 grenadier units, the two line will be red faced green and red face yellow while the grenadiers will be red faced dark blue, this will give me a good start to the red army.

That allows me to start on some of the unpainted figures I have and I think a squadron of 10 curassiers, just needing to work out the uniform for them. Will get a photo of the Hussars that I got before Christmas from AA, they are really very nice and a good start to this project.

The next thing is to try and work out a back story to the whole thing, countries, maps, campaigns and what rules to us, exciting times!!

Spain, why Spain???

 Although I have travelled a fair bit over Europe and Canada I have never been to Spain, no real interest in the beaches etc, so it was neve...