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Friday, 3 January 2025

War in Canis, Plans are afoot.....

 Well I emailed Alternative Armies with the first three units I want painted up by them, 2 line and 1 grenadier units, the two line will be red faced green and red face yellow while the grenadiers will be red faced dark blue, this will give me a good start to the red army.

That allows me to start on some of the unpainted figures I have and I think a squadron of 10 curassiers, just needing to work out the uniform for them. Will get a photo of the Hussars that I got before Christmas from AA, they are really very nice and a good start to this project.

The next thing is to try and work out a back story to the whole thing, countries, maps, campaigns and what rules to us, exciting times!!


  1. Creating the back story is always interesting and generates lots of ideas which have to be put in some semblance of order.

    1. Spot on Peter, getting the whole background into some sort of shape is an interesting process and takes on a life on it's own.

  2. I'm interested in seeing where you go with this. My own background is buried on my other blog. I started by naming all the sides involved. Enjoy the process.

    1. Your blog has been a real source of inspiration for me, it really is quite superb and a great read.


Spain, why Spain???

 Although I have travelled a fair bit over Europe and Canada I have never been to Spain, no real interest in the beaches etc, so it was neve...