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Sunday, 19 January 2025

All but done!........

 Well I made some progress this weekend and can call the two uniformed Continentals and the small militia unit done, just a couple of flags to add and these have been ordered so just waiting on them but that's a small job in the grand scheme of things.  I had both Saturday and Sunday off from work, the first proper weekend off in some time, due to staff shortages it's fallen on me to cover every Saturday but this has now changed as we are now up to full numbers.

I managed to varnish the three units and also get them based up and I am quite happy with them, they look fine and should look decent on the table. The unit of Swedes for the GNW are finished in the painting sense but need varnished and the bases done for them to be called done, I have a flag for them so next weekend should see the end of them.

Anyway here's the completed units in all their glory!!


On a roll with the AWI project and have a small unit to finish plush some Continental dragoons then I think it will be time to crack on with the British and Hessians, I have a few ready to go but will need to buy some more British infantry and cavalry plus artillery and command figures, Plenty to do that's for sure!  Apologies for the photos, not my strong point!!


  1. Replies
    1. I must admit I am quite happy with them Neil, they will look fine on the table top.

  2. Nice bit of progress Donnie and glad to hear things are a bit more settled at work...hopefully you can look forward to a few more full weekends off!

    1. I t was a bit of a bind Keith but it's done and dusted and some more hobby time will be very nice indeed!

  3. Always good to chip away and make progress with building your armies, especially if life is busy.

    1. Indeed Peter, got the flags coming this week and they will be done and dusted.

  4. Finally realised I wasn’t a blog follower of yours - very sorry matey but I’ve rectified matters now! Got some catching up to do, lol.

    1. Very nice to have you on board JBM, many thanks.

  5. Splendid progress, always nice to have pictures!
    Best Iain

    1. I am rather pleased with the finished article Iain. Hopefully my photography skills will improve!!


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