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Saturday, 1 February 2025

Quar back on the menu....

 Well I haven't done much with my Quar collection for a number of months, I have a load of Crusaders ready for basing but they still sit in their box waiting patiently, this should all change thanks to some new releases from Zombiesmith/Wargames Atlantic.

The Fidwog have arrived!! I have small number of metal infantry that are still to be painted, too few to do much with but when I saw that these were available to buy now I got a box at a good deal from Sarissa, delivered in two days as well, great service!  You get 12 rhyflers and two small tractors, the figures are fine and didn't take too long to put together and the tractors are lovely quirky, little models, looking forward to painting these up, all glued together today and hopefully primed tomorrow.

I also got two packs to got with this set, a pack of 3 miners and a pack of 2 officers.

The figures in the two packs are very nice and come in resin, not my favourite I must admit, I find them very fragile although these figures don;t seem too bad.  The miners only need stuck to their bases and are complete other than that, the officers need their heads, arms and back packs glued on.  All this is done and they too should see some primer on them tomorrow.

I also have some metal Coftyrans on the table but they need a bit of work before they see any paint, necks to be drilled out,a rms and weapons attached, also winging their way from Sarrisa are some more Coftyran infantry plus some add on packs, officers, snipers etc.

Must admit I fair enjoyed getting back into the Quar after such a long break, they are such quirky figures and a joy to put together and paint, never fail to bring a smile to my face.  

I need some  more Crusaders and some more vehicles and I should have enough for a very decent sized game, my main hope is they do some cavalry as the metal ones are really great figures but not available at the moment.  Anyway that's it for now, o until next time.......


  1. I love the Quar. I have a batch of the new plastic from the core set still waiting for paint. I also have a massive force of both Creevin and Western Arnyarans in 15mm that have yet to see a battlefield. Seems are gaming tastes run in very similar ways.

    1. I really fancy getting into the 15mm for some big battles, they look really neat little models. I will look forward to seeing your forces when they get their turn on the table, should be a treat!

  2. Your painting scheme is really quite cool!

    1. Not my work Jon, I wish!! These are the stock shots form Wargames Atlantic, but I will be following the scheme. Priming them all tomorrow.

  3. The new plastics look cool. Need to pick up some Fidwog for my collection

    1. It's a nice wee set Neil, worth it for the two tractors, they really are lovely little models. I saw on the Zombiesmith site that they are doing separate heads etc. to convert the Crusader/Coftyran figures into Gwynt and Toulmore, which is a nice idea as well.

  4. Very nice - how do the new guys differ from other factions?

    1. They are the smaller cousins of the rest of the Quar but hard, doughty opponents of the Crusaders.

  5. They look good Donnie...not my thing at all, but the Quar do seem to be very popular at had moment, judging from the blogs I see!

    1. Indeed Keith, since WA have got involved the whole Quar thing seems to have exploded. I love the whole backstory and the figures are nicely done, bit of a change from my 18th century adventures that's for sure!

  6. There's a lot of Quar about! Sounds like a plan and they're certainly different from your 18th century figures, I'll give you that!
    Best Iain

    1. Certainly popular just now Iain, a lot of blog posts and forum posts about peoples various projects, a nice change of pace for me, although the lure of SYW Russians is strong!!!


Hobby time at last!.....

 Finally got some time to do some wargaming stuff, work has been busy and last weekend it was off to Stirling for a record fair so no wargam...