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Friday, 26 April 2024

Latest Purchase......


This is my latest purchase and the possible start of a new project! Not another one, I'm afraid so, very much in the planning stage at the moment but with some inspiration gleaned from various blogs I really think this could be one to go for. If it happens I will be going down the Elite Miniatures route as I really like these figures a lot and they do a pretty extensive range of Spanish, Portugues, British and French and should cover all the figures I will need.  Not totally decided on rules, maybe Black powder but we will see, the book purchased will be used for some ideas to begin with but I may well go with the main rules.  I already have some uniform guides for British and Portuguese and off course the French, will have to find something that covers the Spanish if I decide to go down that route. 

With this project being a distinct possibility I may get rid of some of the stalled projects and sell a few of them, I will think about it but it may be the time to pass some of these onto someone who will use them, time will tell! I do have way too many projects on the go and will have to prioritise and rethink what I can and can't continue with.  Interesting times as always!!

Sunday, 21 April 2024

Bits and Bobs.....

 This weekend was one of doing bits here and there but not really concentrating on one thing. I got three sixteen man units of British infantry for my ongoing AWI project primed ready for some paint. All the figures are by Fife & Drum and them and the Perrys make up all my units, Continental and Brits and both work well enough, the Perry ones are a bit chunkier but do for me, the F & D ones are lovely, very nice elegant sculpts.

The next work done this weekend was getting some paint on 5 Giant Ice Trolls of the North which are part of the Wars of Ozz range, I have a few Ozz figures and have actually got some finished! These Trolls are allies of whatever faction you want, I have them all blocked and ready for a good wash, then highlights and they will be good enough for me. I don't do a lot of fantasy and this and Slaughterloo are my main fantasy projects although both have Napoleonic uniforms to some extent, anyway these will be done soon enough.

The last work I did this weekend was some Perry Paraguayan from their War of the Triple Alliance range, I have a only a few packs of these bought, this ones and some Argentinian infantry and cavalry, I am doing this as a small project and units are only 12 men each and 6 cavalry, I am not too sure how many units for each side, will see where it takes me, The figures are lovely, I really like them, but then I am a fan of the Perrys. I have the 12 man unit all blocked in and just a bit of final detail to do then a wash and highlight and I can get them based up.

The other wargaming part of my weekend was the usual reading of various blogs and one I really concentrated on was Unlucky General, a cracking blog and I read all his posts on his Peninsular project and his Waterloo one, really top notch and very inspiring. He tends to use a lot of Elite Miniatures figures and I must admit I really love those, they look great en masse and have a certain "old school" feel to them. 

Well it was a busy enough weekend for hobby time and also got some gardening in on Saturday so all in all a nice weekend and ready for the onslaught on work on Monday!!

Friday, 12 April 2024

Back to the grind......

 I have just had a week of work and pretty much all hobby time was spent on my Quar project but I am pretty much done with this for a while and need a break from them and do something more historical. I did a fair bit of work on the Quar and the project is going well, so I am happy enough with that. 

My break from work was just what I needed, the weather in part had held and I was able to get my garden into some shape ready for the new season, all weeded and ready for planting up in a few weeks. The weather up here in the far north usually means what gets planted down south you can add 3-4 weeks up here before you do likewise.  I am back at work today, a Saturday I know!! but it i only for the morning and it means my desk will be cleared and ready for Monday, all the 3 or so hundred emails will be mainly deleted and a clean slate for the new week, also we usually do breakfast when working on a Saturday which is always good!

Now to get back to historicals but I really can't put my mind to do what!! I had thought about the Epic ACW project but the figures weren't calling out to me! I will have to be in the mood to start this project and the mood is not with me at the moment. So it is back to the 18th century or maybe the Carlist War which will take my fancy, probably won't get anything done today but tomorrow should be a nice easy day with minimal chores to do, so painting will take place!! Just what!?

I have come the world of blogging rather late and some say that the world of blogging is dying, sure a lot of blogs have withered away due to Facebook etc. but there is still a load of cracking blogs about. I spend a fair bit of my day checking new posts and commenting on said entries, all of which I never really did before. I had always been interested in a couple of blogs but never really explored the wide range out there, glad I did as there is so much inspiration, tips and encouragement to be gleaned from the wide world of gaming.  Long live blogging!!!

Anyway have a great weekend wherever you are and hopefully I will decide on what figures are going on the table for tomorrows painting, I have a bit of time to mull it over!!

Saturday, 6 April 2024

New goodies......

 I got a nice parcel in the post yesterday from Ironclad Miniatures, these two wee beauties.

  • They will be used for my ongoing Quar project, the original tractors are long out of production and if any do come up for sale they go rapid, there are new ones coming out but I wanted something sooner, so plumped for this two.  Very reasonably priced and postage in about two weeks which was fine.  They are resin and come in just a few parts, the main body and the tracks, and then there are a couple of metal pieces, a fuel stack and a machine gun. The top one will go to the Crusaders army and the one on the bottom to the Coftyran side. They are on the painting table but will be on the "to do" list as I am working my way through the metal figures in my collection.
I have a week off work this coming week so should get my fair bit of hobby time, looking at my table I have 20 Crusader figures finished just needing some washes and varnished then the base done, they are mounted on 25mm circles and I am going to use Stirland mud as the base for them as they are in a WW1 style setting, trenches etc, so the mud base seems the way to go. I have a 5 man Toulmore rhyfler unit and a HMG 2 man crew on the go as well, after them I may get some of the plastics glued and primed and put in the queue. I must admit I am surprising myself in being incredibly focussed, for me, on this project and really enjoying it.

The other thing that occupies my wargaming mind at the moment is a board as I could really do with a new one. I am going for a 6' x 4' and using hardwood plywood for it, probably 12mm, toyed with the idea of 18mm but the thinner board will be easier to handle. I am thinking of just painting it green gloss so I can use it for "old school" gaming and then using a mat for other games. Plenty to think about and plenty as always to do!  So until the next instalment....

Spain, why Spain???

 Although I have travelled a fair bit over Europe and Canada I have never been to Spain, no real interest in the beaches etc, so it was neve...