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Friday, 26 April 2024

Latest Purchase......


This is my latest purchase and the possible start of a new project! Not another one, I'm afraid so, very much in the planning stage at the moment but with some inspiration gleaned from various blogs I really think this could be one to go for. If it happens I will be going down the Elite Miniatures route as I really like these figures a lot and they do a pretty extensive range of Spanish, Portugues, British and French and should cover all the figures I will need.  Not totally decided on rules, maybe Black powder but we will see, the book purchased will be used for some ideas to begin with but I may well go with the main rules.  I already have some uniform guides for British and Portuguese and off course the French, will have to find something that covers the Spanish if I decide to go down that route. 

With this project being a distinct possibility I may get rid of some of the stalled projects and sell a few of them, I will think about it but it may be the time to pass some of these onto someone who will use them, time will tell! I do have way too many projects on the go and will have to prioritise and rethink what I can and can't continue with.  Interesting times as always!!


  1. I like Elite Napoleonics. They exude a certain, charming arrogance. Which projects are on the chopping block?

    1. I love the whole look of Elite as well Jon, they really are the business for Napoleonics. Much thought required for what will go, not a hundred percent sure what to bin.

  2. Donnie, I know we are all butterflies 🦋 but I think you may be the King of the butterfly movement!
    Hoping to see this progress to the point you get some figures on the table! I know they are not as visually appealing, but have you considered Epic...they still look good when painted, and have many advantages

  3. I really find it hard to stick to one thing Keith that's for sure, my main problem!! Looked at Epic but I am doing an ACW one and don't want to start another one in that scale. Just waiting word from Elite to place my first order with them and then I can start and hopefully remain fully focussed!!

  4. Another post,another project, it's difficult to keep up! Valour and Fortitude which is a free download from the Perry site is my current go to for Napoleonic, I obviously like it and it has the added benefit of costing nothing, it's also related in some ways to Blackpowder if you like those rules?
    Best Iain


Hobby time at last!.....

 Finally got some time to do some wargaming stuff, work has been busy and last weekend it was off to Stirling for a record fair so no wargam...