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Thursday, 9 May 2024

A slight diversion! again.....


Although I was working last Saturday morning I had the Monday off due to the bank holiday but got next to nothing done on any projects. After work on Saturday it was gardening duties, much the same this weekend!, so that was a write off.

 Sunday saw me and my mate Kev set off at 6 o'clock for a whistle stop tour of the central belt, vinyl hunting, Glasgow, Stirling and Dundee, various record shops visited and some goodies bought for the collection, never got back until 8 o'clock at night so a loooong day but some great banter and a really good day out. Record Fair coming up in June back in Dundee so that is the next vinyl hunt!!

Monday was a real lazy day as I was pretty much washed out after the previous two days, this getting older thing is a real pain! Very little hobby stuff done, a little bit of touching up on some flag poles from the 10mm LoA figures I recently purchased, and some basing done on them and that was about all I did on the wargaming front, other than peruse various blogs that passed my day very nicely.

On the 10mm project, I placed another order from Hinds and will be doing what ever needs done to them this weekend, I thought I would have everything I need for this project but may end up buying some more from Pendraken and painting to suit the ones I have, not too sure on this but will have an inventory this weekend to see where I am with this.

The other big project is the Peninsular one that I embarking on, my order is placed with Peter at Elite and just waiting for my goodies to arrive, two British battalions one Rifle, a heavy dragoon regiment and a battery of artillery, a fair investment and a lot of unpainted metal, my focus will have to be strong and the butterfly must be repressed that's for sure!! Well that's all I have to say for this week, so until next time,,,,


  1. Good vinyl hunting and best wishes on your projects. Getting old is a real pain and takes up a lot of time.

    1. It can be a real pain Jon, the energy levels are not as good as they used to be, the mind is willing but the body....

  2. Plenty going on despite your statement that nothing much has actually been achieved Donnie! You can't be painting all the time...occasionally, a bit of thought and planning is required too!

  3. I find the planning of a project can be a real rush as there is so much to do and find out, can reinvigorate the old mojo!

  4. Sounds like you're having a busy old time, whatever!
    Best Iain

    1. That's very true Iain and throwing gardening and work into the equation, time is spread very thin!


Hobby time at last!.....

 Finally got some time to do some wargaming stuff, work has been busy and last weekend it was off to Stirling for a record fair so no wargam...