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Sunday, 12 May 2024

The start of the Peninsular project!

 While waiting for my initial order to be cast from Elite Miniatures I went and purchased two ready painted units of British line infantry off ebay, they weren't overly cheap but then again for the work on them they weren't too dear either, I feel they were a bit of a bargain to be honest.

Painted by Mac Warren and they look very nice indeed, two 36 man battalions that have given me a real head start for this project, I am aiming for three units per division and three divisions per army plus cavalry and artillery and command stands, so this plus what I have on order will give me the first division plus the start of the other line division and the lights division, things taking shape very nicely!  

The second line division will be one British line and a couple of Portuguese ones, the Light division will be the 43rd, the  71st and the 95th rifles, then it will be heavy dragoons some Portuguese dragoons and some hussars, then the artillery a mix of British and Portuguese, so a nice mixed Anglo/Portuguese force with different enough units that should keep me interested and stop the butterfly flitting about too much!


  1. A couple of nice units there Donnie. I am looking forward to seeing your progress on this project, as I also have some Portuguese in my Peninsula collection....all infantry so far, but more or less a full division...I think I may need one or two more battalions of cacadores....must circle back to that collection one day....!

  2. Will get my progress posted up as soon as I get my goodies from Elite Keith, really looking forward to getting them.

  3. Good looking recruits,all this and gardening too!
    Best Iain

    1. They are lovely figures and very well painted, well chuffed with them, gardening has taken over to a certain extent but I enjoy it as well so it's all good!


The muster continues!......

 I got a box of goodies from Alternative Armies at the back end of last week, the first three unit of infantry for my SYW Dog wars. Grenadie...