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Friday, 7 June 2024

More goodies!......

 More goodies arrived for my ongoing Peninsular project, some Hussars from Ian Hinds arrived very quickly and I will touch up any paintwork that needs it tomorrow.  I also bought a pack of trees, just three in the pack and a terrain base for them to add to my scenery, they arrived very quickly and look the part, happy with them.

All the resin building I purchased recently have arrived and they are even better in the flesh than they looked online and they looked great from the pictures on ebay, they really are quite superb and I am chuffed with them, they will make a nice little village, small church, three houses and a tower, they will look great.

The last purchase for this week was a 6x4 gaming mat, the mouse mat type, and it looks the part.

I was just having a look at Wayland Games, not a site I use a lot, too much fantasy based, but they do have bits and pieces that are worth a look at and this was one, ordered on Monday arrived on Thursday and it is just what I was looking for, will do for the Peninsular project and also my First Carlist War one which is over half completed. It's a hefty piece of kit and will get a fair bit of use I hope!

Work this Saturday means limited time for hobbies but the forecast is poor for this weekend so not much time will be spent in the garden bar a bit of watering in the polytunnel which will leave a bit of time on Sunday to crack on with the Hussars and get a bit more paint splashed on the first infantry unit.

So until next time.....


  1. The front end of a project brings so much fun and excitement.

  2. It does indeed Jon, just got to keep focussed and carry it through!

  3. Some great acquisitions there Donnie, the gaming mat is excellent.
    Would have been nice to see a few pics of your buildings too...maybe next time?
    I wonder if you (and Jon) have hit on the reason for so many started but never finished projects...the dopamine hit we get from the initial rush of excitement wears off before things get completed ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿค”

    1. I get a dopamine jolt when I begin painting a unit and another, bigger bump when I finish it. The parts in between are a bit murky.

    2. You might be right Keith, I am trying to stay focused with this project and so far so good, hopefully get some pics. up next post, should have the building plus some hussars I got from Ian Hinds.

    3. Jon, that sums it up very well! Always nice to start out and nice to finish but as you say the bit in between......

  4. The mat looks good. Are you using a combination of second-hand painted figures and some painted by yourself?

    1. The mat is a cracker Peter, well chuffed with it. The figures will be roughly about two thirds my own painting and one third bought,


The muster continues!......

 I got a box of goodies from Alternative Armies at the back end of last week, the first three unit of infantry for my SYW Dog wars. Grenadie...