My Blog List

Friday, 21 June 2024


 Well very little hobby time for me at the moment, work has been really busy but the light at the end of the tunnel is that I am off for a week, finish at twelve today and that's me until the 1st of July.  Bit of gardening to do but should have a bit of time to get some paint slapped on some figures.

So what has been happening?  The peninsular project continues, I will try and get some photos of the buildings I purchased recently posted next week, the French have three units in their ranks and the British two plus two cavalry regiments, infantry and heavy dragoons on the painting table, so going nicely.  A couple of side project received a boost thanks to a sale at Colonel Bill's and my old friend ebay!

From the good Colonel I purchased a painted Swedish infantry regiment on the charge, I also got some painted Dragoons skirmishing and a painted Perthshire militia regiment for my British Civil Wars project.  These are painted to a good tabletop standard and nicely based so I am very happy with them, and the service from the Colonel is second to none, good communication and very quick delivery, great stuff all round!

The ebay goodies were as the painted ones all Warfare Miniatures, one of my favourite ranges, and I got them from fellow blogger Meic who does Command Base blog.  I had noticed a good few blisters of Warfare on ebay so put a watch on them all, got a message from Meic who offered discount on them all, no brainer, the whole lot were purchased! Quick delivery and very well packaged another sweet deal from an all round good bloke! The lot comprised of twenty four Swedish cavalry for my GNW project, four battalion packs, a gun crew and mounted and dismounted dragoons. One of the blisters plus the gun crew will be going to be done as Saxons for my GNW project the rest to the British Civil War project, probably painted up a militia unit, Kirke's and who knows what regiment!

So not a lot done but plenty achieved so am a pretty happy chappy and with a week of gardening and hobby time coming up I am a very happy chappy!


  1. Wargamers (especially bloggers) are a generous and helpful lot.

    1. Indeed Jon, I have found a lot of kindness in the hobby as a whole, I have interacted with so many nice people since coming into the hobby.

  2. Nice purchases Donnie, my own GNW collection is at a halfway or possibly three quarter way point....I probably "need" more Russians....but they may have to wait a few months till I have painted a pile of AWI Americans!!

    1. Your AWI Continentals are looking good so far Keith, looking forward to seeing more. my own GNW project is maybe a third of the way done, going to do a Saxon/Danish army for opposition, I have a good few of the castings for them so it's all taking shape.


The muster continues!......

 I got a box of goodies from Alternative Armies at the back end of last week, the first three unit of infantry for my SYW Dog wars. Grenadie...