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Sunday, 2 June 2024

Peninsular update.....

 Well after a quiet couple of weeks on the wargaming front, this weekend has been a bit more busy.  My order from Elite Miniatures arrived on Thursday and so the first line unit is on the table and primed and the first bit of colour added.  Also on the table is a squadron of heavy dragoons, there is 24 of them altogether so I am splitting them up into four groups as I doubt I would ever paint 24 cavalry on their own by splitting them up into their squadrons I think it will work better for me.

The next part of the project has been the purchase of some real estate.

I got this house plus a tower and another three houses on ebay, resin and already painted, win win for me!  And then I got this church to add to my village. It's MDF and assembled and painted.

This little lot set me back a bit but they are all painted and all look pretty decent so I am very happy with them as it would take me an age to paint them myself.  My next problem is around the basing conundrum, do I leave them and not base them, do I base them individually or base the whole lot as a set village, a bit to think about there.

Anyway the project moves forward and I am happy with the progress made, so until next time..... 


  1. Some nice buildings Donnie. For what it is worth, my advice would be...leave them as individual units....that way, you can use them all, or only some of them, and arrange them together any way you like, that suits your scenario.

    1. I think that's the way to go Keith, it will get maximum use out of them that's for sure.

  2. That house is a nice building; sometimes it's worth buying painted just for the time saving....

    1. That was my thought too Neil, the pace I paint at it would never get done, something else would always jump the queue!

  3. Handsome real estate, Donnie. For basing, I have tried all methods. Individual basing offers the most flexibility.

    1. They were a no brainer Jon, they look great and yes I think individual basing will be the best way to go.

  4. A few useful buildings to add to the collection.

    1. They will be very handy Peter and should be all I need for this project.

  5. Replies
    1. They are lovely, decent price as well, must admit I am very happy with them.


The muster continues!......

 I got a box of goodies from Alternative Armies at the back end of last week, the first three unit of infantry for my SYW Dog wars. Grenadie...